Return to Repayment Reminding student loan borrowers of their repayment responsibilities. It’s been a while since students have had to manage their student loan repayment. We will provide proactive outreach to your borrowers to offer information and answer critical questions related to the CARES Act and student loan legislation. Reminding them of resuming repayments and determining if there are any additional challenges will put them on the right track for successfully fulfilling their repayment obligations without falling behind.
25 % Average enrollment return.
High Data Security Standards We’re dedicated to protecting the security of all data and the privacy of student borrowers. All contacts and communication are monitored for accuracy, service and compliance. A secure website is used for uploading data and reviewing reports. Inceptia is a TECH LOCK ® Certified: Service Provider. TECH LOCK Incorporated, a nationally recognized data security and regulatory compliance firm, has awarded its certification to NSLP for compliance with FIPS 200 (Minimum Security Requirements for Federal Information and Information Systems) and FISMA NIST SP800- 53 rev 4 (Recommended Security Controls for Federal Information Systems).
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