
My Path to Generational Wealth: Finding the Right Trade-Offs


At the beginning of his investing journey, Humphrey Yang started small.

“When I first started, my goal was to invest consistently, so carving out a percentage of my paycheck did not come naturally,” he said in an email interview. “And it was hard because I missed that money.” Yang said he hasn’t forgotten the trade-offs he made as a beginner investor. There were things he said he would have preferred to spend the money on — going out with friends, for example, or concerts or other experiences — but he was thinking about his future. “That’s the not so glamorous part of investing, sometimes you are trading off a short-term bit of fun for longer-term and future fun,” he said. Today, the Bay Area content creator shares investing information he’s learned over the years, as well as perspective gained from years working in different industries, including financial advice and tech on his various social media platforms. That includes his YouTube channel @humphrey, as well as on Instagram and TikTok as @humphreytalks. Here’s what Yang is doing to build generational wealth and to help his audience do the same. WHAT STRATEGIES HAS YANG USED TO BUILD WEALTH? Yang said setting an expectation that a percentage of his income would go toward investing was important because he knew that money would compound into more dollars in the future.

In addition to investing a portion of his paycheck, Yang also sought out other income streams.

“In the beginning, I was just working a salaried job, but I would find ways to make extra money on the side through reselling or flipping items,” he said, and even that looks a little different now. “These days, since I’m a creator, there are plenty of income streams you can tap into with an existing audience, affiliates are a big part of my business now, but was something I did not even think about even … three years ago.”


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