Great Advice for Grads 2023


Make on-time payments to your loan servicer. Your loan servicer will provide you with a loan repayment schedule that tells you when your first payment is due, the number and frequency of payments, and the amount of each payment. Contact your loan servicer if you haven’t received this information. Make repayment simple and save on interest — enroll in automatic debit. Once you enroll, your payments will be automatically taken from your bank account each month. This will help you to stay on track with your payments, and as an added bonus, you may get a 0.25% interest rate deduction if you have Direct Loans. Check your servicer’s website for details. Know your options if you can’t make your loan payment. If you don’t pay the full amount due on time or if you start missing payments — even one — your loan will be considered delinquent, and late fees may be charged to you. If you can’t make your payments, contact your loan servicer immediately for help. Your servicer can offer you temporary or long-term options, such as changing repayment plans, deferment, forbearance, or loan consolidation. Get details about what to do if you are having trouble making your payments. Reduce your federal income taxes. You may be eligible to deduct a portion of the student loan interest you paid on your federal tax return. Student loan interest payments are reported both to the IRS and to you on IRS Form 1098-E, Student Loan Interest Statement . Check with the IRS or a tax advisor to see if you qualify for this deduction.

For a comprehensive guide to Federal Student Loan Repayment, complete online Exit Counseling, utilize the Loan Simulator, or download the Repaying Your Loans guide.


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