Great Advice for Grads 2021



It will rain. If the COVID-19 pandemic taught us anything, it’s that bad stuff happens, no matter who you are. A rainy-day fund is fundamental to keep us financially safer in case of an unexpected large expense, job loss or even globe-ravaging viruses. Start with $500 squirreled away and aim to build it to three to six months of living expenses. Breadwinners die, people get sick and cars crash. You also need the right insurance to keep you from financial ruin. Marketing matters.


Advertising existed 25 years ago, but not on a computer in your pocket that you look at 100 times a day. And not with ads targeting you as an individual. Temptation to buy has never been greater thanks to the evolution of technology and social media. Score a goal . The antidote to the poison of constant marketing is having a reason to say no to temptations. You do that by establishing financial goals. That doesn’t just mean the far-off “saving for retirement.” It could mean saving for a trip to the Bahamas. You know, when people get back to traveling to the Bahamas. Where goals live . To help set goals, review your calendar and bank statements. Where you spend your time and money is who you are. Time and money are what you change to become who you want to be. Budgeting is overrated. There, I said it. But if you’re not going to create a household budget, at least regularly examine your past spending and categorize it. Financial websites and apps can help. Money leaks will be obvious, as will ideas for intentional spending. The ledger has two sides .

A rainy- day fund is fundamental to keep us financially safer


in case of an unexpected


large expense, job loss or even globe-ravaging viruses.



You can’t out-earn dumb spending and you can’t nickel-and-dime your way to prosperity. When it comes to money management, you have income and outgo. The rest is just details. On the other hand, it really helps to know some details.



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